Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5 Crop Progress and Condition Report


For the week ending August 4, 2013, a large portion of the State received an inch or more of precipitation which was accompanied by below normal temperatures, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.  Portions of  the extreme southeast saw 3 or more  inches while southern Panhandle counties were mostly dry.  As a result,  stress  was  reduced  on  growing  crops  with  pollination  coming  to  a  close  on  corn  and  pod  development  active  onsoybeans.  Additionally, many  pastures  in  southwestern  and  south  central  areas  remain  poor  with  some  cattle  sales  being reported.  Wheat harvest was winding down with most  fields  left  to cut  located  in northern Panhandle counties.   Statewide, producers had 4.7 days suitable for fieldwork.  Topsoil moisture supplies rated 15 percent very short, 34 short, 49 adequate, and 2 surplus.   Statewide, subsoil moisture supplies rated 27 percent very short, 43 short, 30 adequate, and 0 surplus. 
Field Crops Report:

All corn condition rated 4 percent very poor, 7 poor, 21 fair, 48 good, and 20 excellent.  Irrigated corn conditions  rated  85 percent good or  excellent,  compared  to 76  average.   Dryland  corn  conditions  rated 43  percent  good or excellent, compared  to 62 average. Corn silking was 93 percent complete, behind 99  last year but near 95 average.  Corn  in dough was 14 percent, behind 71 last year and 37 average.  

Soybean conditions rated 2 percent very poor, 5 poor, 24 fair, 57 good, and 12 excellent. Ninety-one percent of the crop was blooming, near 94 last year and 90 average.  Fifty percent of the crop was setting pods, behind 59 last year but near 51 average. 

Sorghum conditions rated 6 percent very poor, 15 poor, 28 fair, 40 good, and 11 excellent. Sorghum heading was 34 percent, behind 56 last year and 41 average.  

Wheat harvested was 93 percent, behind 100 last year and 97 average.

Oats harvested were 85 percent, behind last year’s 99 and near 88 average.

Dry  bean  conditions  rated  0  percent  very  poor,  3  poor,  16  fair,  69  good,  and  12  excellent.    Dry  beans  blooming  were  84  percent,  near  83  last  year  and  84  average.    Thirty-nine  percent  of  the  crop  was  setting  pods,  near  40  last  year  and  40 average.

Alfalfa conditions were 6 percent very poor, 9 poor, 31 fair, 48 good, and 6 excellent.  Alfalfa second cutting was 91 percent complete, behind last year’s 99 and 95 average.  Third cutting was 17 percent complete, behind 76 last year and 35 average.
Livestock, Pasture and Range Report:

Stock water supplies rated 6 percent very short, 19 short, 75 adequate, and 0 surplus.  Pasture and range condition was 15 percent very poor, 22 poor, 37 fair, 25 good, and 1 excellent.  

Access the National publication for Crop Progress and Condition tables at:

Access the High Plains Region Climate Center for Temperature and Precipitation Maps at:

Access the U.S. Drought Monitor at:,HP

Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report

Although  some  areas  received  precipitation, most  of  Iowa  saw  below average  rainfall during  the week  ending August 4, 2013,  according  to the  USDA,  National  Agricultural  Statistics  Service.    Statewide  there was an average of 6.2 days suitable for fieldwork.  

A  total  of  41 percent  of  topsoil  was  in  the  adequate  and  surplus moisture categories, a decrease of 8 percentage points from the previous week.   Topsoil moisture  levels  rated 23 percent very  short, 36 percent short, 40 percent adequate and 1 percent surplus.   Fifty-four percent of subsoil was  in  the adequate and surplus categories, down 6 percentage points  from  last week.    Subsoil moisture  levels  rated  11 percent  very short, 35 percent short, 53 percent adequate and 1 percent surplus.  

Eighty-eight percent of the corn crop has tasseled, trailing the five-year average  of  96 percent.    Seventy-two percent  of  the  corn  crop  was silking, well  behind  last  year’s  99 percent  and  the  normal  89 percent.  Nineteen percent of the corn crop has reached the milk stage, and some of the earliest planted corn has reached the dough stage.  Corn condition declined  slightly  from  the  previous week,  and was  rated  at  5 percent very  poor,  12 percent  poor,  32 percent  fair,  41 percent  good  and 10 percent  excellent.   

Seventy-nine percent  of  the  soybean  crop  was blooming,  behind  last  year’s  96 percent  and  the  five-year  average  of 92 percent.  Pods were being set on 35 percent of the soybean crop, well behind  last  year’s  74 percent  and  the  normal  65 percent.    Soybean condition declined slightly from last week and was rated 4 percent very poor, 10 percent poor, 34 percent  fair, 42 percent good  and 10 percent excellent.   

Seventy-seven percent  of  the  oat  crop  has  been  harvested, only 1 percentage point behind normal.  

Farmers took advantage of the dry weather to make progress harvesting the  second  cutting  of  alfalfa  hay,  which  now  stands  at  87 percent complete,  1 percentage  point  ahead  of  normal.    The  third  cutting  of alfalfa hay has begun and reached 6 percent compete.  Hay and pasture conditions  continued  to deteriorate,  and  the  amount  rated  in  the  good and  excellent  categories  fell  6  and  11 percentage  points,  respectively.  Hay  condition  was  rated  at  2 percent  very  poor,  9 percent  poor, 35 percent  fair,  46 percent  good  and  8 percent  excellent.    Pasture condition  rated  6 percent  very  poor,  18 percent  poor,  39 percent  fair, 32 percent good and 5 percent excellent.  


Provided by Harry Hillaker, State Climatologist, Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship

It  was  another  mild  week  across  Iowa  with  temperatures  averaging below  normal  every  day  during  the  period.   The  coolest  day  in most areas  was  on  Monday  (29th)  with  highs  mostly  in  the  70’s  with  a morning  low  at  Sheldon  and  Battle  Creek  of  only  43 degrees.    The warmest weather came on Thursday with high temperatures in the 80’s except at Hawarden where it reached 90 degrees.  Temperatures for the week as a whole averaged 5.3 degrees below normal.   Rain  totals were below  normal  over  almost  all  of  the  state.    The  exception  was  over extreme southeast Iowa where thunderstorms brought locally heavy rain on  Tuesday.    Otherwise  light  rain  fell  over  far  southwest  Iowa  on Monday  and  over  parts  of  the  southwest  two-thirds  of  the  state  on Tuesday.   Light  rain  fell over portions of northern  Iowa and also over the  southwest  corner  of  the  state  on Thursday.    Finally,  rain  fell  in  a band from northwest to east central Iowa on Friday with a few locations in  the  far  northwest  picking  up  about  two-thirds  of  an  inch  of  rain.  Weekly  rain  totals  varied  from  only  sprinkles  at  Cresco,  Elkader, Fayette  and Monona  to  2.31  inches  at  Fort Madison.    The  statewide average  precipitation  was  0.30  inches  while  normal  for  the  week  is 0.95 inches.

Corn Silking - Selected States

[These 18 States planted 92% of the 2012 corn acreage]
                 :            Week ending            :          
      State      : August 4, : July 28,  : August 4, : 2008-2012
                 :   2012    :   2013    :   2013    :  Average 
                 :                    percent                   
Colorado .......:      90          57          77          79   
Illinois ...........:    100          85          95          95   
Indiana ..........:     98          82          93          90   
Iowa ..............:     99          50          72          89   
Kansas ..........:     97          79          87          96   
Kentucky .......:     95          69          84          89   
Michigan ........:     96          77          89          83   
Minnesota ......:     99          60          84          91   
Missouri .........:    100          79          89          93   
Nebraska ........:     99          81          93          95   
North Carolina .:   100         100         100         100   
North Dakota ..:     99          51          81          74   
Ohio ..............:     97          87          93          88   
Pennsylvania ..:     93          80          92          85   
South Dakota .:     95          69          87          70   
Tennessee .....:    100          92          96          99   
Texas ............:     95          89          94          95   
Wisconsin .....:     92          43          67          78   
18 States ......:      98          71          86          89   

Corn Dough - Selected States

[These 18 States planted 92% of the 2012 corn acreage]
                :               Week ending               :            
      State     :  August 4,  :  July 28,   :  August 4,  :  2008-2012 
                :    2012     :    2013     :    2013     :   Average  
                :                        percent                       
Colorado .......:     23             1             6            14     
Illinois ...........:     78            14           30            49     
Indiana ..........:     65             -            13            31     
Iowa ..............:     61             -              2            21     
Kansas ..........:     70            22           41            53     
Kentucky .......:     60             8            26            41     
Michigan ........:     12             5            15            17     
Minnesota ......:     36             -              2            11     
Missouri .........:     86            23            42            57     
Nebraska ........:     71             4            14            37     
North Carolina .:     90           84             89            89     
North Dakota ..:     53             -             3            16     
Ohio ..............:     50             9            21            27     
Pennsylvania ..:     29             9            27            21     
South Dakota .:     36             4            15            14     
Tennessee .....:     93            56            74            82     
Texas ............:     71            65            70            70     
Wisconsin .....:     23              -             6            12     
18 States .......:     58             8            18            31     

Corn Condition - Selected States: Week Ending August 4, 2013

[National crop conditions for selected States are weighted based on 2012 planted acreage]
      State     : Very poor :   Poor    :   Fair    :   Good    : Excellent
                :                          percent                         
Colorado .......:     9          13          32          39           7    
Illinois ...........:     1           5          22          48          24    
Indiana ..........:     1           4          19          50          26    
Iowa ..............:     5          12          32          41          10    
Kansas ..........:    11          18          33          32           6    
Kentucky .......:     1           2           9          48          40    
Michigan ........:     2           5          25          49          19    
Minnesota ......:     2           7          31          49          11    
Missouri .........:     5          15          30          43           7    
Nebraska ........:     4           7          21          48          20    
North Carolina .:     1           4          20          52          23    
North Dakota ...:     3           7          23          55          12    
Ohio ...............:     1           3          16          45          35    
Pennsylvania ...:     1           2          11          41          45    
South Dakota ..:     1           6          19          53          21    
Tennessee ......:     -           2          13          54          31    
Texas .............:     1           8          41          41           9    
Wisconsin ......:     4           9          27          42          18    
18 States ........:     3           8          25          46          18    
Previous week .:     3           8          26          46          17    
Previous year ..:    25          25          27          20           3    

Soybeans Blooming - Selected States

[These 18 States planted 95% of the 2012 soybean acreage]
                 :            Week ending            :          
      State      : August 4, : July 28,  : August 4, : 2008-2012
                 :   2012    :   2013    :   2013    :  Average 
                 :                    percent                   
Arkansas ......:     96         60          84          85    
Illinois ...........:     97         65          81          84    
Indiana ..........:     93         72          84          80    
Iowa ..............:     96         63          79          92    
Kansas ..........:     78         54          69          76    
Kentucky .......:     78         41          54          72    
Louisiana .......:     97         90          94          96    
Michigan ........:     95         79          87          85    
Minnesota ......:     97         68          81          88    
Mississippi .....:     99         86          90          99    
Missouri .........:     83         38          53          69    
Nebraska ........:     94         82          91          90    
North Carolina .:     63         25          42          61    
North Dakota ...:    100         75          86          92    
Ohio ...............:     96         74          87          87    
South Dakota ..:     92         74          89          87    
Tennessee ......:     89         41          56          83    
Wisconsin ......:     91         50          67          80    
18 States .......:     93         65          79          85    

Soybeans Setting Pods - Selected States

[These 18 States planted 95% of the 2012 soybean acreage]
                :               Week ending               :            
      State     :  August 4,  :  July 28,   :  August 4,  :  2008-2012 
                :    2012     :    2013     :    2013     :   Average  
                :                        percent                       
Arkansas .......:     86            31            55            64     
Illinois ...........:     79            16            39            50     
Indiana ..........:     64            35            55            41     
Iowa ..............:     74            14            35            65     
Kansas ..........:     33            11            24            34     
Kentucky .......:     55            16            28            41     
Louisiana .......:     92            78            87            87     
Michigan ........:     71            34            58            48     
Minnesota ......:     81            12            28            51     
Mississippi .....:     96            36            49            91     
Missouri .........:     40             5            16            30     
Nebraska ........:     59            23            50            51     
North Carolina .:     32             9            18            28     
North Dakota ..:     93            26            48            63     
Ohio ..............:     65            24            46            46     
South Dakota .:     68            19            37            45     
Tennessee .....:     70            19            31            60     
Wisconsin .....:     61             9            24            42     
18 States ......:     69            20            39            51     

Soybean Condition - Selected States: Week Ending August 4, 2013

[National crop conditions for selected States are weighted based on 2012 planted acreage]
      State     : Very poor :   Poor    :   Fair    :   Good    : Excellent
                :                          percent                         
Arkansas .......:     6           7          29          41          17    
Illinois ...........:      1           5          20          58          16    
Indiana ..........:     1           4          19          54          22    
Iowa ..............:     4          10          34          42          10    
Kansas ..........:     2           8          33          52           5    
Kentucky .......:     -           2          11          60          27    
Louisiana .......:     -           4          18          60          18    
Michigan ........:     2           5          20          60          13    
Minnesota ......:     2           7          30          51          10    
Mississippi .....:     -          10          26          50          14    
Missouri .........:     4          11          34          44           7    
Nebraska ........:     2           5          24          57          12    
North Carolina .:     2           8          39          46           5    
North Dakota ..:     2           8          29          53           8    
Ohio ..............:      1           7          22          49          21    
South Dakota .:      1           3          27          54          15    
Tennessee .....:      -           4          14          57          25    
Wisconsin .....:      2           7          27          45          19    
18 States ......:      2           7          27          51          13    
Previous week .:     2           7          28          50          13    
Previous year ..:    16          23          32          25           4    

Winter Wheat Harvested - Selected States

[These 18 States harvested 88% of the 2012 winter wheat acreage]
                 :            Week ending            :          
      State      : August 4, : July 28,  : August 4, : 2008-2012
                 :   2012    :   2013    :   2013    :  Average 
                 :                    percent                   
Arkansas ......:    100         100         100         100   
California .......:    100          97          98          99   
Colorado ........:    100          94          98          99   
Idaho .............:     26          12          38          15   
Illinois ............:    100          98          99         100   
Indiana ...........:    100         100        100         100   
Kansas ..........:    100         100        100         100   
Michigan ........:    100          93          97          93   
Missouri .........:    100         100         100         100   
Montana .........:     43            9           18          21   
Nebraska ........:    100          75          93          97   
North Carolina .:    100          94          98         100   
Ohio ...............:    100          98         100         100   
Oklahoma .......:    100         100         100         100   
Oregon ...........:     44           45          74          54   
South Dakota ..:    100          21          53          82   
Texas .............:    100         100         100         100   
Washington ....:     32          32          45          33   
18 States .......:     89           81          87          86   

Pasture and Range Condition - Selected States: Week Ending August 4, 2013

[National pasture and range conditions for selected States are weighted based on pasture acreage and/or livestock inventories]
      State     : Very poor :   Poor    :   Fair    :   Good    : Excellent
                :                          percent                         
Alabama ........:     1           2          10          53          34    
Arizona ........:    62          20          14           3           1    
Arkansas .......:     -           9          40          40          11    
California .....:    45          40          15           -           -    
Colorado .......:    34          28          21          17           -    
Connecticut ....:     -           -          22          78           -    
Delaware .......:     1           1          25          67           6    
Florida ........:     -           7          23          58          12    
Georgia ........:     -           2          24          50          24    
Idaho ..........:    11          30          34          25           -    
Illinois .......:     -           4          25          60          11    
Indiana ........:     1           5          24          56          14    
Iowa ...........:     6          18          39          32           5    
Kansas .........:    24          25          26          23           2    
Kentucky .......:     1           3          17          57          22    
Louisiana ......:     2           8          42          43           5    
Maine ..........:     -           1           1          47          51    
Maryland .......:     1           1           7          77          14    
Massachusetts ..:     -           -          44          55           1    
Michigan .......:     3           6          32          46          13    
Minnesota ......:     4          10          26          52           8    
Mississippi ....:     -           1          41          46          12    
Missouri .......:     2           8          36          49           5    
Montana ........:     5          12          32          40          11    
Nebraska .......:    15          22          37          25           1    
Nevada .........:    41          26          23          10           -    
New Hampshire ..:     2           3          13          77           5    
New Jersey .....:     -           1           7          51          41    
New Mexico .....:    41          26          21          10           2    
New York .......:     -           6          33          52           9    
North Carolina .:     -           2          23          65          10    
North Dakota ...:     -           3          18          62          17    
Ohio ...........:     1           5          22          53          19    
Oklahoma .......:     6           8          37          43           6    
Oregon .........:    18          34          33          14           1    
Pennsylvania ...:     4           3          33          45          15    
Rhode Island ...:     -           -          35          55          10    
South Carolina .:     -           -          15          68          17    
South Dakota ...:     1           5          25          55          14    
Tennessee ......:     -           3          15          66          16    
Texas ..........:    18          25          38          17           2    
Utah ...........:     4          20          43          33           -    
Vermont ........:     -           5          21          62          12    
Virginia .......:     -           3          18          60          19    
Washington .....:     8          12          28          44           8    
West Virginia ..:     -           -          13          74          13    
Wisconsin ......:     3          13          39          38           7    
Wyoming ........:    17          26          31          22           4    
48 States ......:    11          15          29          37           8    
Previous week ..:    11          17          28          36           8    
Previous year ..:    31          28          25          14           2    

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